Over the past two weeks, the exceptional bochurim of Yeshivas Lubavitch Tiferes Yisroel (YLTY) had the incredible zechus of hosting the esteemed mashpia, editor, and author, Rabbi Aaron Leib Raskin (ben R’ Sholom Dovber) for an immersive experience of preparation leading up to Yud Shvat.
Guided by the dedicated leadership of Rabbi Chaim Moss, Menahel of YLTY, along with mashpi’im Rabbi Shneur Aizenman, Rabbi Yossi Rabinowitz, mashgiach Rabbi Itche Bindman, and the rest of the YLTY staff, Rabbi Raskin’s visit was nothing short of transformative. With his signature blend of profound depth and practical application, he led the talmidim through an in-depth exploration of the history and background of the maamar that the Frierdiker Rebbe distributed on Yud Shvat 5710—Basi L’Gani.
Beyond the shiurim on Basi L’Gani, Rabbi Raskin delivered multiple shiurim and farbrengens throughout his stay, engaging the bochurim in discussions such as a roundtable on the relevance of Hiskashrus in our personal lives today. He also held special sessions on the concepts of “memutza hamechaber” and “memutza hamafsik”, preparing the bochurim to fully appreciate the greatness of Yud Shvat. With masterful clarity, he wove together intricate ideas in Chassidus with real-life application, demonstrating how the Rebbe’s teachings are meant to be internalized and lived.
A Farbrengen to Remember
The highlight of the visit was the grand Yud Shvat farbrengen, where Rabbi Raskin infused the atmosphere with the fiery spirit of Chassidus. He spoke passionately about what it means to be a Chossid of the Rebbe, the urgency of fulfilling the mission of Dirah Betachtonim, and the personal responsibility each talmid carries as part of the Rebbe’s army.
The room was filled with the warmth of niggunim, heartfelt inspiration, and an overwhelming sense of achdus (unity) as the bochurim absorbed the powerful words and committed themselves to deeper levels of avodah. Rabbi Raskin also emphasized the importance of the upcoming Siyum HaRambam at the end of Shvat and encouraged the talmidim to commit to learning Rambam daily.
Taking It Forward
Rabbi Raskin’s visit left an indelible mark on the yeshiva. His ability to fuse the intellectual depth of Chassidus with a practical, down-to-earth approach provided the talmidim with a renewed appreciation for their Chassidus learning and a heightened sense of mission.
Under the continued dedicated guidance of YLTY staff, the bochurim have taken upon themselves additional hachlotos to ensure that the inspiration of Yud Shvat translates into real and lasting growth. Yeshivas Lubavitch Tiferes Yisroel looks forward to building on the momentum generated by this remarkable experience, strengthening the connection to the Rebbe’s vision, and preparing the world for the ultimate Geulah.